Return of the moon

I once wrote, several  timelines back, a magazine article about the astrology of the “midlife crisis.” This would be back when I was in my early 40s, which is the usual age when the midlife s— starts to hit the fan of aging on the 3D Terran surface.

I am now hitting my mid-50s, and you would think by now I should be heaving a sigh of relief and saying goodbye to all that.

Maybe I shouldn’t have checked my natal chart today. I had wanted to check certain aspects that might explain my latest passion of walking almost daily, including stair climbing. It has been about four weeks since I started a fitness routine targeting weight loss as measured by loosening clothes. I don’t own a weighing scale, because I don’t want to nitpick on this journey. My only guide would be if I could fit again in a fave pair of walking shorts.

So there I was, clicking over to where I have an account that’s got my natal chart saved. I looked at current transits and progressions, and noted to my surprise that my natal moon in Gemini was returning to its original position when my physical body emerged from my mom’s womb more than five decades ago.

Oh no, it’s my second Progressed Lunar Return! [insert emoji of shocked face here]

The moon is significant in my natal chart because 1, it is conjunct my nodal axis and opposite my Sun, and 2, it is located in the 9th house, the natural house ruled by my sun sign ruler, and 3, it rules my Midheaven, which is in the sign of Cancer.

Interestingly, today I just finished watching the last episode of the kdrama Hotel Del Luna (yes, that is how the hotel was named in the show, and initially it bothered me, who learned Spanish in school since prep, up to freshman college).

And for inspiration, I decided to play Ludovico Enaudi’s “Life” youtube video. There are no coincidences indeed. Oh, and the transiting north node is right on the cusp of my Midheaven, giving me the energy to go public about my latest musings.

Astrology aspects are strongest when nearing a particular degree in exactness, and in my case, it is about two days shy of the actual degree where my natal moon is. Whew.

For you to relate more to this aspect, quick… how was your life when you turned 27 or 28? That is around the age too of the first Saturn Return, and these two aspects would be considered as astrological energies behind the “Quarter-life crisis.”

Anyway, I may have already mentioned in previous articles about the value of studying your astrological chart for inner work. You can guess I’ll be a bit busier than ever this week, looking into this aspect and its unfolding energies.

I found a helpful piece online explaining my current journey.  It has given me much to think about, especially the following part: “There is often a lot of cutting off at the progressed lunar return, particularly of ties that no longer serve their purpose.  If we’re doing our lunar returns correctly, we should be spending more and more of our time and energy on what matters.”

This has been a year of detachment in so many ways for me, simply because I had to make way indeed for what really matters, the Big Picture.

The info makes me feel that I have all the cosmic support to help along with my journey. The detachment hasn’t been easy. It always helps to know WHY I need to let go, and to know WHAT I must focus on instead.

Anyway, I hope you are all doing well in your inner work.








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